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INGO 緣起 & 願景

Origin & Vision

為能大幅提升海內外NGO組織專業合作交流,期望透過國際視野,凝聚共識,「台灣公益研究會」自2018年起持續舉辦「國際非政府組織年會UNINGO in TAIWAN」,每年依不同議題,邀請各INGO、各國NGO組織代表共聚,分享經驗,共創國際非政府組織合作交流平台。

To enhance the global collaborations among NGOs across the world, since 2018, every year Taiwan Philanthropic Study Institution (TPIS) has held the International Conference, a exchange platform which  covers various aspects of  Environmental issues and invites experts and professionals all over the world to share their valuable experiences on Environmental Sustainability.

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